Parish Life
Education and Formation
Adult Christian Education: Classes for adults are conducted at various times during the year, especially during the Fall, Advent, and Lent seasons. Held in Garland Hall, these multi-week sessions are offered either on Sunday mornings or weekday evenings. This past year, the curriculum for adult education included three video- based conversation series: Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet; The Redemption of Scrooge; and, The Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Children and Youth Formation: Sunday School time for Children and Youth is at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays during the general school year (September through June). Sunday School concludes for the year with Youth Sunday, which is held on the second Sunday of June.
The young persons begin their time together with worship at chapel before moving into separate classroom based on their age group. Faithweaver Now is the curriculum used for the youth, while the children’s group experiences Godly Play. For both curriculums, each session follows the pattern of the Church’s Sunday service.
Godly Play: Based on Montessori principles, Godly Play teaches children the art of using Christian language parable, sacred story, silence, and liturgical action to help them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to Christian nurture to gain religious language and to enhance spiritual experience through wonder and play. More information can be found at:
Higher Education Ministry: Trinity Church is committed to the spiritual growth of the students at State University of New York at Fredonia (SUNY-Fredonia). We recognize that nurturing spiritual growth is vital to academic and human development. In our relationship with the students, we seek to assist them discern their vocation of faith and strengthen relationship with God and with one another. We look forward to our time together in the upcoming academic year.
Trinity Episcopal Church Women: Every woman of the parish is invited to be part of Trinity Episcopal Church Women. This group gather regularly for fellowship and give their all to support fellow parishioners, the Church, and to reach out into the community. Meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m., except during the months of July and August.
The Way of Love Podcast
A new podcast featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. Listen along on your favorite podcasting app or click here to listen now on the web.
Trinity Tidings
Trinity Tidings is the newsletter of Trinity, Fredonia. It is published monthly. Click here to view the current and previous issues.