Pastoral Care and Outreach
Together, in Christ’s name, we reach out to the victims of hunger, fear, injustice, and oppression, the sick, the friendless, and the destitute, and those who suffer in body, mind, of spirit.
Fredonia Place Community: Trinity has a close relationship with our local retirement community. On the second Tuesday of each month the rector celebrates Holy Communion for its residents and staff.
Prayer Chain: the prayer chain exists for the action of prayer.
The Trinity family takes part in various outreach programs throughout the course of the year, especially to help organizations within our local region. Some of the organizations we are currently engaged with are:
Fredonia Argi-Business Child Development Center (ABCD): This organization has provided services to children of migrant farm workers and other income, eligible, agricultural workers across New York State since 1946.
Chautauqua County Rural Ministry (CCRM): The Trinity family collects food and other items for this organization on a regular, ongoing, basis. For over 50 years, CCRM has maintained a strong foundation in the community and currently operates twelve programs to assist people within our county. Each year thousands of families are assisted by way of these programs to fulfill the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and work opportunity.
Boys and Girls Club of Western New York
Toys for Tots of New York
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD): The ERD is an international relief and development agency and a compassionate response to human suffering on behalf of the Episcopal Church. The work of ERD to heal a hurting world is guided by the principles of compassion, dignity, and generosity.
United Thank Offering (UTO): The United Thank Offering is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. UTO awarded this year 33 grants totaling more than $1.5 million for the mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.